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Vaagai Farmer GCS Platform

Drone Spraying Auto missions made Easy, Full Pilot Control


Discover Our Offerings

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Vaagai-Farmer GCS 


An Android application with an intuitive GUI for planning and controlling agricultural drone spraying missions, fully integrated with the spraying system and obstacle avoidance features.



  • Flexi License 

  • Cloud Storage

  • Video Support

  • Flexi Calibration

  • OEM-PILOT Version

  • Secure Log Download

  • IFFCO Aural Warning

  • Obstacle - Radar View

  • Spray System Features

  • Over the Air (OTA) update

  • Store Pilot Data in Flight Log

  • RC Support - Skydroid T12, MK15

Vaagai-Custom Firmware 


We help to customise the Drone Autopilot Firmware as per the DGCA Type certification requirement.



  • ​Spray System Integration

  • Firmware Tamper Protection

  • Code, Data Checksum Compliant

  • Secure Log with Digital Signature

  • Obstacle CAN Radar Driver Integration

  • Radar Deactivation before minimum Altitude

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Vaagai-Farmer Enterprise 


This Web based Cloud Platform helps Enterprise to monitor the Drones, do the Data Analytics with the Live Drone Data.



  • IFFCO API Compliant

  • Live Video Streaming

  • All Flight Plan Details

  • Data Analytics Dashboard

  • Live Monitoring of Drones

  • Weekly Data - Flight time, Spray Acres, etc.,

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